Weather in Scotland
Dear Doreen, It’s done! Last year we’ve left Germany and returned to Scotland, and it gladdens my heart. Friends and family wonder why we’ve returned to the north of the British isles, rather than finding a place in sunny France. Doesn’t it rain all the time over there, they exclaim. But although that may be […]

Exhibition “Return of the Still-life”
Dear Doreen, “Das Stillleben kehrt zurück” was the title of my solo-exhibition in Osnabrück during the Autumn of 2015. Still life painting returns! I fully appreciate, of course, that such a claim may seem rather remarkable to say the least, but in a sense it was true enough, for my chosen genre of painting for […]

Pictures at an Exhibition
Dear Doreen, It is a sunny day in February, so it seems a good moment to write to you about my solo-exhibitions of last year. These took quite a bit of preparatory work. Flyers, adverts, posters and last but not least, a lot of framing and then hanging them. Robert did all of that for […]