Weekly Wisdom is a growing collection of quotations from some of the world’s most famous painters.

Random quote

Everyone is more disturbed by his least trouble than by the most signal disaster of a whole nation.

— Eugène Delacroix, I, 42 – Paris, October 12, 1822


I – The Journal of Eugène Delacroix
Translated from the French by Walter Pach, Crown Publishers, New York, 1948

II – The Journal of Eugène Delacroix
Translated by Lucy Norton and Hubert Wellington, 3rd Revised edition 1995, Phaidon Press, ISBN-13: 978-0714833590

III – Vincent van Gogh – Brieven aan zijn broeder
a Eerste Deel, b Tweede Deel, c Derde Deel
Uitgegeven en toegelicht door zijn schoonzuster J. van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam 1914

(Vincent van Gogh, Letters to his brother, published and introduced by his sister-in-law, Amsterdam, 1914)