Reflections in Silver
On a visit to the old town of Elburg in the Netherlands, I noticed a greengrocer offering four or five different varieties of plums, including these yellow-green ones, named Reine Claude, after a Duchess of Brittany. Somehow I had missed seeing them for quite a while, and because I was walking along with my brother, […]

Janny’s Jar
One of my earliest paintings, a terracotta jar belonging to my sister Janny. “Janny’s Jar” Oil on Canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm, 2008 •

Red Hot
These Peppers in a Glass Jar started out as a quick study for drawing objects inside a glass container. Then it turned into a full painting. And then my friend Metta spotted it at my exhibition, and now it adorns her spectacular kitchen. “Red Hot in a Glass Jar” Oil on Board, 30 cm x 40 […]

Pictures at an Exhibition
Dear Doreen, It is a sunny day in February, so it seems a good moment to write to you about my solo-exhibitions of last year. These took quite a bit of preparatory work. Flyers, adverts, posters and last but not least, a lot of framing and then hanging them. Robert did all of that for […]