My Own Gallery in Italy

My Own Gallery in Italy

Posted on Jan 26, 2020

It’s not exactly a dream come true, because this is something that I simply never could have dreamed of: my own gallery in a 350 year old convent in a small town in Piemonte, Italy. Amazingly beautiful masonry, high, vaulted ceilings and my paintings lit from above to prevent reflections. In December I organised an […]

Exhibition “Return of the Still-life”

Exhibition “Return of the Still-life”

Posted on Mar 30, 2016

Dear Doreen, “Das Stillleben kehrt zurück” was the title of my solo-exhibition in Osnabrück during the Autumn of 2015. Still life painting returns! I fully appreciate, of course, that such a claim may seem rather remarkable to say the least, but in a sense it was true enough, for my chosen genre of painting for […]

Pictures at an Exhibition

Pictures at an Exhibition

Posted on Feb 11, 2016

Dear Doreen, It is a sunny day in February, so it seems a good moment to write to you about my solo-exhibitions of last year. These took quite a bit of preparatory work. Flyers, adverts, posters and last but not least, a lot of framing and then hanging them. Robert did all of that for […]